Instructions to log into Self Service
Requirements to Succeed
- A 7-digit Chaminade ID (CID)
- Your password, it would be the same password as
- Your Chaminade Portal
- Your Chaminade Gmail
- Your password for your campus workstation login
- Your Canvas
- Your Ellucian Colleague
- Navigate to chaminade.edu
- Click "FACULTY/STAFF" at the top of the site
- Click "Self-Service"
- Enter your 7-digit Chaminade ID (CID) and your initial default or Chaminade Portal password, then click "Sign In"

- Welcome to Self-Service (*Screen content varies on constituency)
Frequently encountered problems
Error message: "Login Failed. Please check User Name and Password" (click to expand)
- It's possible that you've already updated your password in the Portal. Canvas and Self-Service both use the same password as the Portal.
- Double check to ensure you are using you 7-digit Chaminade ID (CID) number as your User Name including any preceding 0's
Question? Need More Help?
Related articles and services can be found on the column to the right (below if on a mobile device). If you have questions or need additional help, please contact IT Client Services.